Sàr-obair Bàrdachd a’ Trasnadh Chrìochan Cànanach (2024)

Obair Ealasaid Bishop air eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig le ciad-taisbeanadh aig co-labhairt ann an Glaschu

Ann an co-thàthadh iongantach de chultaran, tha aon de dh’obraichean sònraichte na bana-bhàird Aimeireaganach, Ealasaid Bishop, air eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig.

Thèid a’ chlach-mhìle bhàrdachdail seo a chomharrachadh aig tachartas Ealasaid Bishop ann an Glaschu: Co-labhairt a’ gabhail àite an t-seachdain-sa (26-28 Ògmhios 2024).

Air a chur air bhonn le Colaiste nan Ealan is nan Daonnachdan aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, bheir an tachartas seo sgoilearan, oileanaich, sgrìobhadairean, eadar-theangairean agus leughadairean còmhla bho air feadh na cruinne gus sgrùdadh domhain a dhèanamh air obair bhuadhach Bishop. Tha a’ cho-labhairt a’ gealltainn lionsa Albannach-Atlantaig gun choimeas a thabhann tro am faodar an obair aice a rannsachadh.

Elizabeth Bishop in Glasgow: A Symposium starts today.@UofGlasgow @CelticGaelic lecturer @Gillebride shares his Gaelic translation of Elizabeth Bishop's poem Sandpiper. Find out more about the Symposium here https://t.co/ErM9wyK4mb@UofGNews@uofgenglit pic.twitter.com/bg56Ykcoxh

— UofG Arts & Humanities (@UofGArtsHums) June 26, 2024

Dh’eadar-theangaich Gillebrìde MacIlleMhaoil, seinneadair agus òraidiche Gàidhlig ann an Oilthigh Ghlaschu, aon de na dàin aig Bishop – Sandpiper – gu a theanga saidhbhir dùthchasach fhèin. Thathar a’ creidsinn gur e seo a’ chiad uair a tha obair Bishop air eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig.

Gheibh an obair ùr annasach seo a ciad taisbeanadh aig oidhche fhosglaidh na co-labhairt, a’ ceadachadh do luchd-frithealaidh eòlas a chur air àrd-chomas litreachail Bishop ann an solas gu tur ùr.

Thuirt an t-Àrd-Ollamh Jo Gill, Ceannard Colaiste nan Ealan is nan Daonnachdan agus Àrd-Ollamh Litreachas Aimeireaganach ’s na Ficheadaimh Linn: “Tha mi air leth toilichte an t-eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig spreagail seo de dh’obair Ealasaid Bishop a thaisbeanadh aig co-labhairt Ghlaschu.

“Sandpiper no "Cìobair-tràighe" le Gillebrìde Mac 'IlleMhaoil (Gilbert MacMillan) - tha sinn a’ creidsinn gur e seo a’ chiad uair a tha obair a’ bhàird chliùitich aithnichte seo, a rugadh sna Stàitean Aonaichte agus a thogadh ann an Alba Nuadh, air eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig. Tha sinn an dòchas gu bheil e na chomharrachadh freagarrach air buaidh shònraichte litreachail Bishop ach cuideachd a’ togail air na ceanglaichean domhain cultarach eadar Alba agus Aimeireaga a Tuath.”

Thuirt Gillebrìde Mac 'IlleMhaoil, "'S e fìor urram a th' ann an cothrom seo fhaighinn gus bàrdachd Ealasaid Bishop eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig airson a' chiad uair. Tha a' bhàrdachd aig Bishop air leth agus choisinn i cliù fad is farsaing airson a cuid sgrìobhaidh. Tha ceanglaichean làidir ann eadar Gàidhlig agus Aimeireaga a Tuath agus gu sònraichte ri Alba Nuadh - àite air an robh Bishop cho eòlach agus measail. Mar sin, tha e math an ceangal eile seo a dhèanamh agus leigeil le barrachd dhaoine eòlas a chur air a' bhàrdachd aig Bishop."

Bidh a’ cho-labhairt a’ coimhead gu domhain ri tar-phoileanachadh bhuadhan eadar Bishop agus bàird chliùiteach Albannach leithid Robert Burns, obair air na chuir i èolas aig aois òg. Air an làimh eile, bidh an tachartas a’ sgrùdadh mar a tha Bishop agus a co-obraichean air guth sgrìobhadairean Albannach agus sgrìobhadairean eile a chumadh suas chun an latha an-diugh.

Elizabeth Bishop's work translated into Gaelic in world premiere at Glasgow symposium

In a remarkable fusion of cultures, one of renowned American poet Elizabeth Bishop's distinctive works has been translated into Scottish Gaelic.

This poetic milestone will be unveiled at the highly anticipated Elizabeth Bishop in Glasgow: A Symposium taking place this week (26-28 June 2024).

Organised by the University of Glasgow's College of Arts & Humanities, this event will bring together scholars, students, writers, translators, and readers from around the globe to delve deep into Bishop's influential body of work. The symposium promises to offer an unprecedented Scottish-Atlantic lens through which to explore her work.

Gillebrìde MacMillan, a Gaelic singer and Gaelic lecturer at Glasgow, translated one of Bishop's poems – Sandpiper – into his rich, native tongue. It is believed to be the first time that the work of Bishop has been translated into Gaelic.

This groundbreaking translation will be premiered at the symposium’s opening evening, allowing attendees to experience Bishop's literary brilliance in a whole new light.

Professor Jo Gill, Head of the College of Arts & Humanities and Professor of Twentieth Century and American Literature, said: “I am delighted to present this exciting Gaelic translation of Elizabeth Bishop's work at the Glasgow symposium.

“The Sandpiper as "Cìobair-tràighe" by Gillebrìde Mac 'IlleMhaoil (Gilbert MacMillan), is - we believe - the first time that the work of this world-renowned poet, who was born in the United States but raised in Nova Scotia, has been translated into Gaelic. We hope it is a fitting tribute to Bishop’s profound literary influence but also highlights the deep cultural connections between Scotland and North America.”

Gillebrìde MacMillan said, "It is a huge honour to get the opportunity to translate one of Elizabeth Bishop's poems into Gaelic for the first time. Bishop's poetry is exceptional and she is rightly highly regarded for her writing. There are many strong links between Gaelic and North America and especially Nova Scotia, a place which Bishop knew so well and was so fond of. Therefore, this translation will further strengthen those ties and give Bishop's poetry a new Gaelic audience.

The symposium will delve into the cross-pollination of influences between Bishop and iconic Scottish poets like Robert Burns, whose work she was exposed to from a young age. Conversely, the event will also examine how Bishop and her contemporaries have shaped the voices of Scottish and other writers up to the present.

Ealasaid Bishop

Rugadh Ealasaid Bishop [1911-1979] ann a Aimeireaga ach thogadh i an Canada. B’ e bàrd a bh’ innte agus sgrìobhadair sgeulachdan goirid. Thòisich i a’ sgrìobhadh ann an Colaiste Vassar, Nuadh Eabhrac, air pàipear oileanaich agus chuir i a h-iris fhèin, Con Spirito, air bhonn.

Bha Bishop na Prìomh Bhàrd de na Stàitean Aonaichte bho 1949 gu 1950. Bhuannaich i cuideachd a’ mhòr-chuid de na prìomh dhuaisean bàrdachd a’ gabhail a-steach Duais Pulitzer (1956). Tha a sgil le cànan agus meatafor, còmhla ri a guth agus sealladh gun choimeas, air a h-àite a shuidheachadh mar aon de na bàird Aimeireaganach as buadhmhor san 20mh linn.

Leugh eachdraidh-beatha shlàn Ealasaid Bishop air làrach-lìn Poetry Foundation - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/elizabeth-bishop

Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop [1911-1979] was American born but raised in Canada. She was a poet and short-story writer. Started writing at Vassar College, New York, on the student paper and founded her own magazine Con Spirito.

Bishop was the Poet Laureate of the United States from 1949 to 1950. She also won most of the major poetry prizes including a Pulitzer (1956). Her skill with language and metaphor, combined with her unique voice and perspective, have cemented her place as one of the most influential American poets of the 20th century.

Read Elizabeth Bishop’s full biography on the Poetry Foundation’s website - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/elizabeth-bishop

Ealasaid Bishop ann an Glaschu: Co-labhairt

Bheir a’ cho-labhairt (26-28 Ògmhios) sgoilearan, oileanaich, sgrìobhadairean, eadar-theangairean agus leughadairean còmhla bho air feadh na cruinne gus sgrùdadh domhain a dhèanamh air obair a’ bhana-bhàird Aimeireaganach, Ealasaid Bishop. (1911-79).

Tha an làrach ann an Glaschu a’ tabhann airson a’ chiad uair, cothrom air beachdachadh air obair Bishop ann an co-theacs Albannach-Atlantaig breithneachail, cultarach agus eachdraidheil, agus buaidh dhomhain bhàird leithid Robert Burns air a stoidhle fhèin, a rannsachadh. Mar an ceudna, beachdaichidh a’ Cho-labhairt air a’ bhuaidh a bha aig Bishop agus a comhaoisean air sgrìobhadairean Albannach suas chun an latha an-diugh.

Am measg nam prìomh òraidichean bidh an t-Àrd-Ollamh Langdon Hammer bho Oilthigh Yale agus Victoria Fox bho fhoillsichear fad-amail Bishop, Farrar, Straus is Giroux, Nuadh Eabhrac.

Faighibh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh an seo - https://www.gla.ac.uk/colleges/arts/aboutus/events/elizabeth-bishop/

Elizabeth Bishop in Glasgow: A Symposium

The symposium (26-28 June 2024) will bring scholars, students, writers, translators and readers from around the world together to explore the work of American poet, Elizabeth Bishop (1911-79).

The Glasgow location offers, for the first time, an opportunity to consider Bishop’s work in a Scottish-Atlantic critical, cultural and historical context and to explore the profound influence of Scottish poets such as Robert Burns on her own style. Equally, the Symposium will consider the influence that Bishop and her contemporaries had on Scottish writers up to the present day.

Among the keynotes will be Professor Langdon Hammer from Yale University and Victoria Fox from Bishop's long-time publisher, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York.

Learn more here - https://www.gla.ac.uk/colleges/arts/aboutus/events/elizabeth-bishop/

Cìobair-tràighe le Elizabeth Bishop

Tha a’ ghàirich ri thaobh a’ dol ris mar bu dual,

’s an saoghal gach corra-uair a’ crathadh ri gach beuc

E ruith, e ruith gu deas, gu spideagach, cuairteagach,

Giorag fo smachd, fear de dh’oileanaich Blake.

Tha an tràigh a’ feadalaich mar gur geir i, gu clì tha plaide

de dh’uisge a’ briseadh le lìonadh is sruth-tràghaidh

air uachdar a chasan dorcha, brisg.

E ruith, e ruith dìreach troimhe, a shùil air òrdagan a dheann chasan.

A shùil, gu dearbh, air a’ ghainmhich fodhpa

Far bheil an Atlantaig (gun mìr ro bheag) a’ tràghadh

gu clis air ais agus sìos. Na ruith

tha deann-shùil aig’ air gach gaineamh tràghad.

Is ceò an saoghal. ’S an sin tha an saoghal

meanbh, mòr is mìn. Tha an làn-mhara

nas àirde no nas ìsle. Cha b’ urrainn dha innse gu dè an tè.

E fo dhragh, a ghob dian-aireach,

a’ sireadh, rudeigin, rudeigin, rudeigin.

Chan eil stad air, an t-eun truagh

Tha na milleanan mìr dubh, donn-gheal, geal is glas

An lùib gràinean eiteig, ròs is clachan-buadh.

Eadar-theangachadh le Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil

Sandpiper’ le Ealasaid Bishop.
Foillsichte bho thùs san The New Yorker, 21 Iuchar 1962; cruinnichte ann an Elizabeth Bishop, Poems, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Ath-chlò-bhuailte le cead bho Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Na còraichean uile glèidhte.
Eadar-theangaichte le Gillebrìde MacIlleMhaoil, Àrd-Òraidiche Ceiltis is Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu.

Sandpiper’ by Elizabeth Bishop.
Originally published in The New Yorker, 21 July 1962; collected in Elizabeth Bishop, Poems, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. All rights reserved.
Translated by Gillebrìde MacMillan, Senior Lecturer in Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow.

First published: 26 June 2024

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Sàr-obair Bàrdachd a’ Trasnadh Chrìochan Cànanach (2024)
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