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Re: ASI test - what supplements should I avoid by wiredgeneration 11 y
Dude thats exactly what happened to me when I first few times took Seriphos! I literally could not move for two hours, it was actually quite enjoyable after being hyper for so long..i thought it might be good for sleep, but it wasntIt was too stimulating to take it at night, as it brings calmness and clarity to me, so I take it in the morning when I was always adrenaline fueled, that is starting the calm down now as well which is great after 16 months of hyper mornings.The ACE drops are still touch a go for me. Some days 6 and 6 is fine, somedays, its way too stimulating. The caps ... 1,402 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue

albendazole is possibly the cure for all your parasite is... by LPLP

11 y
i had a mite issue which was diagnosed as scabies across my finger webs and tops of hands, this lasted through a bottle of permethrin and a few tabs of ivermectin without showing any improvement. The itching rash started during my pregnancy. I tried all the natural treatments, clove oil, moringa leaf powder, lots of essential oils, sea salt bath, borax, MSM, pretty much you name it i tried it all. Just kept getting worse, and SO ITCHY. I had this issue for THREE YEARS and it drove me crazy. I cried almost every night. I finally managed to find a person who suggested using Valbazen (d ... 789 hits
Forum: Parasites: Skin

Re: Random Rotten Egg Smell Sufferers I made some discove... by JDmaybe91

12 y
So I just looked up vivonex and from what I gathered it’s suppose to be like a meal replacement or something to help if you have digestive problems. From what I see individuals are trying to use it to starve bacteria if they have SIBO. I looked up content and what concerns me is that it’s 76% carbs and 18% protein. (Not much you can do about protein cause we need it, but it probably won’t help the smell issue.) Again, if you have a problem with carbs/ sugar this probably won’t be a good idea. I see the reason why it’s for gut repair is because Glutamine is within the content. http://ww ... 6,306 hits
Forum: Body Odor Cure

The Way of the Rose--Interior Alchemy--This is wonderful! by YourEnchantedGardener

15 y
9:44 amJune 27, 2010, Transforming, Empowering!A one day workshop withSandra Marie HumbyExploring the symbolism and the Healing power of The Rose, the lineage of the ‘Maries’ , the connection to the Magdalene and the Grail, the Alchemical mysteries held within the Red Rose (red sulphur) and the White Rose (quicksilver), the Sacred healing weave of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, Rose windows, Rose grid, the Rose Stargate and much more!Work with and experience the 11 powerful Rose energies b ... 1,383 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Bioenergy Healing for the People - donation based Healing... by zeezel

15 y
Bioenergy (Healing) for the People Bioenergy Life Center now offers regularly scheduled donation based Bioenergy Group Healing Events for the Sarasota Florida community and beyond.The group events reflect the highly successful Zdenko Domancic Bioenergy Clinic in Europe, which has helped over one million people and has a waiting list of 9 months. For over 35 years the Domancic Method has improved health conditions by using Bioenergy to optimize the body’s self-healing potential.Led by Zoran Hochstatter and his certified practitioners, these events are an extension of previous groups c ... 2,625 hits
Forum: Fibromyalgia Autism Autoimmune Diseases Parkinson’s Multiple Sclerosis Lyme ("Lime")

Bioenergy healing for the PeopleDonation based healing ... by zeezel

15 y
Bioenergy - Healing for the PeopleThe Bioenergy Life Center now offers regularly scheduled donation based Bioenergy Group Healing Events for the Sarasota community and beyond.The group events reflect the highly successful Zdenko Domancic Bioenergy Clinic in Europe, which has helped over one million people and has a waiting list of 9 months. For over 35 years the Domancic Method has improved all kinds of health conditions by using Bioenergy to optimize the body’s self-healing potential.The Domancic Method uses precise protocols for maximum effectiveness to help all kinds of illnesses, ... 1,461 hits
Forum: Energy Medicine

Breaking news: Former S. Korean Pres. Commits suicide by mo123

16 y
Report: Former S. Korean President Roh commits suicide Story Highlights Report: Roh committed suicide by leaping to his death from a hill He was found with head injuries, and died after being taken to a hospital Roh’s death came amid bribery investigation that has tarnished his reputation document.write(cnnRenderTimeStamp(1243046769496,[’May 22, 2009 -- Updated 0246 GMT (1046 HKT)’,’updated 10:46 p.m. EDT, Fri May 22, 2009’])); updated 2 hours, 23 minutes ago (CNN) -- Former South Korean President Roh ... 312 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen

I'm OK, things moving on by Athena.Erdmann

16 y View Entire Thread 3
This is just a quick note to tell you that all is as well with me as can be, considering.I have made pretty much all the moves I can while my husband is still in town. Now I am just laying low and waiting for him to travel.He took the kids to see a way too scary movie recently, when I was busy otherwise (life keeps happening). Afterward he criticized the eldest for having a ”rubbish sense of humor” when she said she did not like the movie.Can’t wait to get them out of his reach. He is really becoming like ”I know better than you what you are supposed to feel and think” towards ... 2,104 hits
Forum: Marriage

Worrying developments, kids included by Athena.Erdmann

16 y View Entire Thread 10
I am new, and I don’t have much time now. My husband can get back any time, so if this message ends abruptly, please understand.My husband has started keeping physically very close to me (almost never leaving me alone) during this vacation. He is even more ”interested” than before about what I do on the computer, who I talk to on my cell etc.We have a fairly long history (10+ years) and more than one child. He drank every evening for over a year, until I put my foot down some 1.5 years ago. I’ve asked him to go to conseling with me since our youngest was one. When I put my foot ... 2,363 hits
Forum: Marriage

Israel targets human rights groups by Newport

16 y View Entire Thread 2
Israel targets human rights groups In a bid to staunch the flow of damaging evidence of war crimes committed during Israel’s winter assault on Gaza, the Israeli government has launched a campaign to clamp down on human rights groups, both in Israel and abroad. It has begun by targeting one of the world’s leading rights organisations, the US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW), as well as a local group of dissident army veterans, Breaking the Silence, which last month published the testimonies of 26 combat soldiers who served in Gaza. Additionally, according to the Israe ... 1,022 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Conspiracy Theories

Re: OK, alwright so Im'a poppin pills now ;+D by trapper/kcmo

14 y
no problem. on the home page there is a button under support forums that says ”top”. here is the link: is the list of the top 20 forums:# Mosaic æ 16,979,682 page views# Liver Flush Support 15,380,608 page views# Candida Support 14,553,658 page views# Ask Barefoot 12,229,560 page views# Iodine Supplementation 12,102,571 page views# Parasites Support 12,015,486 page views# Master Cleanse Supp 11,278,353 page views# Ask CureZone 7,936,711 page views# Bowel ... 1,320 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Bravenet...Follow Up... by YourEnchantedGardener

14 y already have a Bravenet account.I just saw a link at the top of Curezone. Maybe it is time to look into the services of Bravenet again and see what I can add to my new Plant Your Dream Site.I love my Curezone Plant Your Dream Blog site, and there are other things I want to do with my Sponsored site here. Http://www.plantyourdream.netTHIS IS A FONT SIZE EXPERIMENT Added H1 and /h1: Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener æ 3,929,805 page viewsApple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun 1,368,790 page v ... 879 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

US Mint gold sales surege to highest since 2009 by johng

12 y
US Mint Gold Sales Surge To Highest Since 2009 Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/24/2013 17:33 -0400 China United Kingdom First it was a tripling of gold sales at the UK Royal mint, and now with just 23 days in the month of April gone, it is the US Mint’s turn to reports that more gold has been sold month to date than any month since December 2009 when a record 231,500 ounces were sold. In one day, the mint sold yet another 13,000 ounces of gold, bringing the total to 196,500, or more than triple the 62,000 ounces sold in the pre ... 1,202 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

mystery illness by pampro

13 y View Entire Thread 9
pampro mystery illnessPM pamproDate: 7/29/2012 9:26:56 AM ( 107 sec æ ago )Hits: 1 Size: 1137 char. URL: This Message I have burning pain in my muscles, long standing, problem of over 20 years. it seems to be advancing in severity, and I seem be losing a lot of muscle tone too. I am 57 years old. Worst in my arms and legs and at night. Comes in waves in the night and early morning, then subsides. No diabetes, have been diagnosed as FMS/CFS, fever of unknown origin. I strongly feel this is a step/mycoplasma type in ... 2,098 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm

New to C-Span 2. How to see Video Archives? by YourEnchantedGardener

15 y
9:09 amNovember 30, 2010I am new to using C-Span 2, that coveredthe Senate that looked at #S-510,The Food Safety Modernization Act,November 29 and November 30.Here is a query I just madeI am new to using C-Span 2.were there videos made of #S-510 that played on C-span 2 on November 29 and 30? How do I see them? Are there transcripts made?How do I read them?9:11 amI am interested to see how long it takesthem to respond.I will let you know.BLOG COUNTS9:15 amNovember 30, 2010Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener æ ... 31,397 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

'Obama signs secret order on Libya' by trapper/kcmo

14 y View Entire Thread 2 US president has signed a secret bill to authorize covert operations allegedly in support of the Libyan revolutionaries who are fighting to topple the long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi.American government officials said on Wednesday that the US President Barack Obama signed the secret presidential finding during the past two or three weeks, Reuters reported.The White House spokesman Jay Carney has refused to comment on the issue, saying intelligence matters would not be discussed.“I will reiterate what the president said yesterday ... 737 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

40 day water fast end of day 1 :) by xXSoonToBeHottieXx

14 y
i’m feeling pretty good right now, i have been a bit slower today but i’ve had many outburts of energy but they go away pretty fast. The only thing that has sucked today where the hunger pains, they were annoying if anything else. and those very annoying food commercials, i just close my eyes every time they come on lol i took a nap earlier which helped make the hunger pains go away, so i suggest if ur having hunger pains, try and take a nap and u’ll feel way better after it [= also i’ve noticed before that if i wanna cave in and eat something cuz the hunger pains were too much, i just dis ... 372 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only

Re: here i am again... by tigerlilymfd

14 y
Two things I’d suggest, given the stomach ulcer:1) Mastic gum/dgl. I just found out that I have h. pylori and started mastic gum right away. It’s been proven to kill the bacteria. These wafers will help heal an ulcer, but there are plenty of other products on the market that will also help (pepzin gi is one that I’ve heard of too): cabbage juice. Get a juicer for $50-$100 and juice yourself fresh green cabbages. Drink a glass or two a day, even more if necessary. Supposedly if you drink ... 2,226 hits
Forum: Candida Support

Has anyone tried the "Relax ME" juice? by Saljoe

14 y View Entire Thread 5
I was just curious if anyone has tried this Relax Me juice. I found it in Wal Mart today. I bought a juicer today and lots of fruits and veggies. It was weird buying so many healthy things. And yes it’s a shame that if I want to buy fruits and veggiees I have to go there. Afterall I do live in the back woods of Mississippi. You would think there would be a farmers market close by.Anyway, I found this juice by Genesis Today. It contains melatonin, l-tryptophan, theanine, GABA, and Montmorency cherry juice. I just bought a little bottle to try this evening. Sounds interesting enough. ... 2,636 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue

Re: Trapper??? by trapper/kcmo

18 y
of course, that one would do good for me!!! ;)you ae amazing. the other stuff is just me doodling. i thought ladylove did well with it. perhaps you can synthesize it all into something that represents us as we are on this forum - individuals working as a whole. people would be amazed at how little we talk to each other about what we do here. no one gives directions to anyone else. we are automatically good with what the other does and support each other, right or wrong(as we all have been at one point or another). its a good feeling. how can we know what is right or wrong, any ... 420 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Vending machine filtered water and PH: WATCH OUT!!! by LD Di

18 y View Entire Thread 6
Hi, All!Since several years b4 starting the Moreless protocol, I have used bottled water from the vending machines in front of grocery stores. When I first started checking my PH, I checked the PH of a sample of this water, and it was 6.8 or so.Over the last month or so, have been running more acidic than early on and wracking my brain trying to figure out what is wrong. Old toxins comming out? Hidden NPN in my foods?Just checked the vending machine water again...PH WAS 6.0!!! Much more ES than I use in my alk drink doesn’t seem to make it budge! Since there ae three diff ... 1,791 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH

Fat is ugly? by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y to the therapy pool.i love you,leslie 1.Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener æ 13,574 page views2.Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun 11,070 page views3.Alkalising My Way to Perfect Health! by Invincible 10,464 page views4.The Joy of Raw Eating, Conspiracies & Hope by Deradune 8,672 page views5.Raw Foods is it for Everybody by bluepastry 6,477 page views6.Uncovering The Starchild Within by Ren 4,600 page views7.Fasting Orange Juice Style!!!! by m.o ... 1,023 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Godda Dance? by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
2:41 PMJune 9, 08I see where their are two fun dance opportunities inSan Diego this weekend,The first is a 24 hour event at Madre Grande: second is a party in Solana Beachat Chuck’s.Just got reminded about this Madre Grande event.Sounds like fun, but not sure how well the word got out.2:56 PMTracy of Madre Grande just called...sounds like there have been posters around townfor three weeks on the above event.Also something happening at Madre Grandeon the Solstice... http://www.sou ... 1,171 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Raw Pet Food May be best...and... by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Thanks, Invinciblefor this: Pet Food for catsand dogs may be best,and I saw some amazing resultswhen Buffy ate Pet Promisefor aging dogs.The first bag improved his digestionso much that his ”Mom” went outto buy this excellent brand of pet food.I highly recommend Pet Promise formany reasons if you have a Pet dogor cat. Views:1.The Joy of Raw Vegan Eating and Whatever Seems to Matter by Deradune 13,915 page views2.Mother Earth Heals by Liora Le ... 929 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Ren Plants Seeds by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Those on the East Coastshould be experiencingpsychic activities andintutive flashes this week.The soon to be Mrs.going into Holy Wedlockhas planted her Job’s Tear seeds.My Job’s Tears are popping upall over the garden now, little sproutseverywhere. By Fall, Ren will not onlybe singing your Rosary out loud,but New York’s Curezone Enchanted GardenMember will likely be Making Rosariesneclaces for the Priests down at the Confessionbooth.God loves Catholics.Why else would He have made Job’s Tearswith holes in them ready made?Job’s Tears grow wild i ... 914 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Strawberry Survey by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
April 29, 069:35 AMin the History of Peace on EarthO.K. fellow Curezoners,here’s the exciting drama!ORGANIC STRAWBERRY SURVEY HERE: of Joe the Farmer Stawberry is here: VIEWS9:40 AMSaturday, April 29, 061.The Joy of Raw Eating, Weight Loss& Whatever Matters by Deradune 2,063 page views2.Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blogby RisingSun 1,986 page views3.Alkalising My Way to Perfect Health! by Invincible 1,686 page views ... 1,410 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Last Supper Vegetarian? by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Interesting articleabout the Last Supperand Jesus being a vegetarian: discussed if Last Supper wasSeder of Passover.your eg#Page Views10:46 PMApril 10, 061.The Joy of Raw Eating, Weight Loss& Whatever Matters by Deradune æ 177 page views2.One by Lapis 158 page views3.~Rising Above It All~ by Dazzle 115 page views4.Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener 85 page views5.Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun 71 page views6.40 Days To Life by ho ... 1,317 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Smurf's Garden! by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
April 7, 06___The Enchanted Garden Welcomes you!Through flowers, live herbs, and whole foodspresent and circulating through our daily lives,we can help the world grow healthy and beautifulfrom the ground up. The Earth, through our ownhands, very close to home, beginning in our own backyard,can become an Enchanted Garden!--Leslie GoldmanYour Enchanted Gardener_____ This was the scene in the Smurf’svegetable patch today before GoddessLuna had her way with the weeds.Sometimes I wonder, what we are givingup in Life when we pull the natural ... 1,316 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Woman Workshop by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Come into your beauty.COME INTO YOUR FEMININE HEART.Spring into womanhood.tenative:Skyline Churchon Jamacha RdRancho San DiegoCall DianePhoneApril 30, 061-4 PMrsvp by 22nd$10.00 suggested donation___radiance and inner beauty comes from inside...get focus on inside...they think they have to be beautifulon the outside. Nothing to do with how we lookas much as how we in the presence of another woman--Diane___PAGE VIEWSApril 7, 20066:43 AMSan Diego, CAThe History of Peace on Earth1.Apple Cider Vinegar Cure ... 982 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Pro Photog Model by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
6:59 AMMay 22, 06Here is a site I came upon to studyand use as a model for a photographerwho considers himself a professional.I often balk at saying up front the pricesI charge.Goes back to self-esteem issues perhaps.Definitely would feel better about myselfif I had a little elevator speech for chargingfor this service that often takes a lot of timeand could support many of my EG Projectsthat are majorly non-profit. #1May 22, 06PAGE VIEWS: 1.Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener æ 7,546 ... 1,083 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

GMO's on Health by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
This is an excellent personal accountof the effects of GMO’sby Sheryl Jacksonreported by Lapis: have been reporting on SB1056 through theAgriculture Committee of CA. It passed unanimously.This law will pave the way for more widespread use of GMO’sin agriculture. More than ten states have passed similar laws.I am writing from out of town.I will keep you posted on what we can do nextto prevent this passage.Background of SB1056Kiss Organic Goodbye:Kiss Organic Goodbye? ... 1,054 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Back Up your Messages by YourEnchantedGardener

18 y
1:50 PMApril 2, 07Here is the thread that explainsthat a lot of blogs/files written were lost:Webmaster Forum: of the easiest ways to back upis to email the Blog you just wrote to yourself.There are apparently numbers of bugs stilloperational.The gallery does not appear to have all thephotos that were uploaded.Had the experience of editing a blog,and then submiting it and have it giveme an error message as if the keyword was incomplete.The edit was not recoverable.The number counter is also not ... 1,240 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Re: The aunt, by MH by MH 108

18 y
This is why NO ONE COMPLAINS when the MD murders their realitives, if they bitched they would be hypacritical and live in FEAR that the MDS would not supply them with the DOPE they want.This is why we ae living in the end times, EVIL is the supreme desire of mankind...Most all church people seek drugs so badly that most of the hospitals have church backing or are totally owned by the churches.Most of the people I had worked with all had a common FEAR, that if they retired they could not afford their DRUGS. In my opinion all such people are the walking dead, they have no clue ab ... 712 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: Barefoot- Tic Phobic Stuck in Shoes by MH 108

17 y
One of the teachers at the school of natural healing is a very old man, he also travles to South American several times each year and even takes paying guest with him. They party on coco leaves, get stoned on shamen herbal formulas for out of body experiences, etc.....we asked him HOW can you go naked in the jungle with all those SNAKES/SPIDERS/BUGS, etc. and he said they don’t bother you! WELL, he may also be so stoned he doesn’t care!!! etc..I have lived where tics are thick every summer, the dogs are tormented by them, etc. I have read the lymes disease is actually an Immune Disease ... 647 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Very Impressed, by MH by MH 108

17 y View Entire Thread 3
I think I have a person making me the very best herbal soap bars on earth! They are using the most expensive human grade essential oils on the planet and the best organic/kosher ingredients possible, I do not know of one thing they could do to make the soap more human friendly. They make quite a few differant soaps for people’s choice of smell and do these pure essential oil soaps ever smell, my wife fell in love with a few of them with the first smell.My goal is one super hair soap and all the rest of those pretty soaps cna decorate people’s bath rooms. Naturally these are the gourma ... 1,115 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: More on Smurf Man! by MH 108

17 y
NORMAL????????????????????????????Medical MDs are QUACKS and always will be QUACKS, unless they learn on their own. When a MD uses the word NORMAL as far as test go, that means your NORMAL compared to X amount of the current population, but they have ZERO CLUE what health is.A Chealation MD/Scientist would give this man a PUSH TEST where they inject a fluid into his blood that extracts the metals out so they can be eliminated into the urine and as well be suspeneded in the blood and collect the urine for 24 hours and take blood samples before, durring and after the push. THEN they ... 1,093 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: Would You? by adamson77

17 y
what violence? men are violent i cant believe men are in this forum calling women violent, lol i just watched the testosterone vids on you tube, it shows the male humans and animals being very violent.i just asked would you rest easy next to a person that thought about killing you? you called abortion murder didnt you? or are you calling your vasectomy violent? see we care about men but men dont care about us. most men dont even know how the pill works. maybe you can understand it here http://www.ditchthepill.orgall the birth control is bee ae dee men just seem to have a block ... 2,577 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Abortion Debate

Re: If you still want more just ask.H... by biosafe

17 y
I just had a look at the amount of people who have read each post and was not surprised by the answer, but by the amount and time did surprise me:The readers and time ago written need to be evaluated.It show’s people listen to you Tom,they are interested in what you have say,# Adam say’s to Jim of me! by biosafe 52 min 13* Said to Adam by John: by biosafe 47 min 6o A Must To Read: by biosafe 40 min 5# MMS’s Jim Humble ”said” by biosafe 95 min 12* Re: MMS’s Jim Humble ”said” by biosafe 85 min 9o Re: MMS’s ... 2,395 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: MMS Debate

Posting this from other Parasite Forum about b. hominis by linenup

17 y View Entire Thread 2
Removing blastocystis by misscallie 19 h 21 2 Messages Shown Forum: Parasites Support Giardia and blastocystis were found in a rectal swab. THe 3 antibiotic regimen on did nothing for my symptoms of faiigue, maldigestion, malabsorption.a. I found this which shows lauric acid (sold as monolaurin) is effective against giardia. If blastocystis has cytoplasm similiar to giardia it should be effective agains blastocystis as well:PMID: 15991042 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]b. I found this which shows fiber helps eliminate giardia from the intesti ... 2,566 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs

2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explaining A... by abcseeker

17 y View Entire Thread 2
2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explains AIDS and cancer)2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explains AIDS and cancer)Date: 12/22/2008 7:46:33 AM ( 9 min æ ) ... viewed 0 times2. Version of the Universe model (Cure model explaining AIDS and cancer)This is the newest released Universe model, starting to include the Cure model (intended to explain every disease and disorder as a energy transfer problem between the body and mind. Not on this paper is my new translation describing body and mind, internal and external, also as generator (airways and was ... 2,103 hits 1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Conspiracy Forum

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 5820

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.