Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1:

"The Beginning of the End"

They fought for those they loved most.

They fought for the people they defended.

They fought against those they hated the most.

And even so,

I died.

Screams and cries echoed through the atmosphere.

Everyone lost a bit of love that night.

But no tear shed,

no scream of pain,

or blood

would bring me back.

Seeing them cry for something they could never prevent hurt more than my own death.

But don’t worry, this story is not about me.

In fact, this story is about a star.

A big, beautiful, and dreamy star, who traveled through the cosmos risking its life for a chance to dream of a better tomorrow.

The only problem is that this star believed it could be special, having such an unrealistic dream.

This story begins with the rest of the stars.

Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (1)

Hell’s Gate

January 16, 2169

The sun pierced through the thin layers of mist that stretched over the forest. The base structures were cold and lifeless as always, their interiors once holding many false dreams, with a faith forged to create hope for a better tomorrow. But today, these walls hold the determination to repair the damage of the former inhabitants.

In one of the many rooms, a constant sound interspersed with the base noises, breaking the gentle silence.

“Please, Agatha, it’s six in the morning. Can you shut up for just a little bit? Use a pillow or something… I can’t take it anymore…”

Luca exclaimed, with a pillow over his face and a throbbing headache.

It wasn’t the first time she arrived late and went to sleep with Luca. Since she was 5 years old, she always ran to 'Uncle Luca's' room whenever she visited Hell's Gate. Frustrated and with little else to do, Luca got up to start another day in paradise.

While brushing his teeth, he heard Agatha's muffled groans from her part of the bunk bed.

“LUCAAAAAA, why do you have to be so noisy in the morning?” Agatha grumbled, covering her face with the pillow to block the bathroom light.

Luca left the bathroom and stared at her indignantly.

“Don’t start now, Agatha. You arrived late smelling like pxir and snored all night… again! Just because you’re 15 doesn’t mean you can do the same things the other Na'vi your age do! Look, your Aunt Priya won’t be happy to hear that you’re drinking late in the forest with…”

Agatha abruptly lifted her head.

“Don’t you dare tell Priya a single thing about what I do here! Or I swear by all that’s sacred, I’ll skin you alive!”

Luca raised his hands, pretending to be scared. “Alright, alright, ma'am. I’ll even lock the door this time so you don’t end my poor life! But seriously, Agatha, don’t stay out late with the boys here, they’re... too much trouble for my liking. And don’t believe their lies about pxir, it’s bad if you overdo it, especially for humans. You didn’t travel from the Western Frontier to get sick on your first day just because you drank too much, right? Promise me you’ll take care of yourself?”

Agatha smiled and extended her hand to Luca.

“Relax, old pal. I may be young, but I know how to take care of myself, remember? I grew up out there like Spider, I can handle myself, and Lo'ak isn’t crazy enough to let anything hurt us, so chill out.”

Luca sighed, ready to leave.

“I figured. If Jake didn’t teach Lo'ak to do this, it’s better not to let Neytiri know, or the kid’s in trouble! Now go back to sleep, I’m off to work, and make sure you rest well, okay?”

He opened the door and left, leaving Agatha to deal with her own hangover.

Filled with the cold of metal and the sounds of the pipes, the corridors were still empty at this hour of the morning. Luca, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, walked briskly to the cafeteria in search of his good old artificial coffee. He never had the chance to try real coffee, just like his parents when they were younger, but what the RDA left behind when they left was still enough to wake anyone up.

As he opened the double doors of the cafeteria, Luca was surprised to see...

“Spider! Good morning, my boy. How’s it going?” Luca said, hugging him.

“Hey uncle, good morning! What are you doing today?” Spider asked, excited.

Luca walked to the buffet to get his coffee.

“Oh big guy, the usual. Teaching people to assemble and clean rifles, shoot properly at targets, reload quickly, repeat, and blah blah blah... Now let me guess, you’re going to spend the whole day with Kiri and Lo’ak running around hunting Atokirinas?”

With the tray in his hands, Luca walked to the table with Spider.

“At least I won’t be stuck in here all day like you!”

“So why are you still here?”

Spider rolled his eyes and laid his head on the table, frustrated.

“Norm changed the door code again and hid my Exo-Pack... He’s so annoying! He said I can only go out if he’s watching me to make sure I take an extra charge and all those other boring things.”

Luca sighed and put his hand on Spider’s shoulder.

“Norm isn’t that bad. He... just worries about you. Trust me, he’s only this concerned because one day the RDA will come back and...”

“And will keep stealing and killing everything the Great Mother provides us. Yes, I remember him teaching us all that for years... But come on Luca, do you really think they’re coming back? It’s been 14 years and where are they? Nowhere! I think they’ve found some random planet to exploit somewhere among the stars and will leave us alone.”

Luca looked seriously at Spider.

“Spider listen here, they will come back, sooner or later. The RDA will never accept this defeat, especially the way it happened. So enjoy it because even if they found a planet somewhere, they’ll come back here stronger like a never-ending storm. Happiness can end in the blink of an eye, kid, enjoy it while this is our normal.”

“Holy Eywa, did you wake up in a bad mood? I hate it when you’re this pessimistic...”

“Well, I’m just realistic! But when someone snores in your ear for six hours, it’s hard to be in a good mood in the morning... Alright, I’m heading to station AV02 to get the samples Amelia asked for. I know the code and I have the key to the Exo-Pack locker, so if you want to come with me, I’d love to have your company, of course if you...”


“Alright then, kiddo, let’s go before Norm wakes up and gets on my case too.”

Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (2)

Luca and Spider left the cafeteria, walking through the still empty corridors of Hell's Gate. The weak morning sun shone on the metal walls, giving a touch of life to the desolate environment.

“Let’s go, the path is going to be long,” said Luca, adjusting the backpack on his shoulders as they walked towards the base exit with the Exo-packs already on.

Passing through the heavy decompression chamber doors, and when those loud hissing sounds faded from their ears, they were greeted by the fresh wind and vibrant Pandoran fauna. The animals sang, and the ikrans flapped their wings in the blue sky with orange hues of dawn while Polyphemus slowly made its way to the sun.

“I remember the first time I left the base... I think I was 4 years old... and I still haven’t gotten tired of this place!” Spider commented, looking around, as enchanted as always.

“Pandora has that effect. When I woke up from cryo and looked out the ship's windows for the first time, Pandora looked like an endless mosaic of colors. The dense forests that had no end, the rivers that cut through the continents like Eywa’s own veins, and the Northern Lights at night had all the colors and danced across the skies. And I also remember that the bioluminescence of the forests looked like huge cities filling the entire continent and the ocean depths... You can’t get tired of that,” Luca replied, smiling. “Now remember to stay close, alright? I don’t want any surprises at this hour of the morning.”

As they walked along the small trail formed over the years, Luca watched Spider interact with the environment, gently touching the plants and observing the syaksyuk jumping from branch to branch in the trees, and how agile he was with his movements.

“You know this place well, huh?” said Luca.

“Walking around with them all day taught me a lot! Look there, uncle!! Those plants are Loreyu!” Spider explained, pointing excitedly to the giant pink plants.

“Oh, those are the ones that retract at touch, right?” Luca asked, curious.

“You recognized them! How do you know?”

“You’re not the only smart one here! But Jake told us about these, on his first day in his Avatar, you know, the day he woke up at the base and slept with the Omaticaya,” Luca replied with a proud smile.

“Speaking of which, weren’t you supposed to have an Avatar too, uncle?” Spider asked, looking curiously at Luca.

“Well, yes, but... on the flight from Earth to here, the RDA made a big mess and ended up prioritizing Norm’s Avatar to be made first, and since the ship only had room for two embryos at a time, they ‘forgot’ about mine. But if everything goes well, even with our limited resources, by next year my six-year growth period will be complete, and then I can finally live and touch Pandora for real!” Luca explained with a slight sigh.

“Look, uncle, you can live here if you want... just leave the base more often, it’s not that hard! I’ve been doing it since I was a kid,” Spider said, laughing.

“Oh sure, so easy! You grew up out here with the Sullys, your body adapted to this reality, so it’s easy for you! And not to mention you’re like... 25 years younger, man, I wish I had the agility of my 15- year-old self nowadays,” Luca replied, laughing too.

Spider suddenly stopped and raised his hand, signaling for silence. “Wait, wait... do you hear that?” he said, frowning and looking around.

Luca also searched for the sound while slowly lowering his hand to the holster on his thigh. “Spider... are you sure...”

Suddenly, the sound of rustling leaves caught Luca’s attention. Before he could fully react, Lo'ak jumped from a high branch, landing beside his favorite humans with a big smile on his face.

“AAAAAA!” Lo'ak shouted, laughing at Luca’s scared expression.

Luca clutched his chest, startled. “Damn it, Lo'ak! You almost gave me a heart attack, kid!”

Lo'ak laughed loudly and gave Luca a friendly slap on the shoulder.

“Just making sure you guys are awake! Hey bro, ready for another exploration with us?” Spider greeted cheerfully.

“Always, bro! Let’s go before Norm misses me.”

“But where are you going alone, Uncle Luca?” Lo'ak asked, crouching next to him.

“Relax, big guy, I’m just going to the station to get the samples Amelia asked for. You guys can explore around here while I do that, no need to worry.”

“Come on, we’ll go with you, uncle,” Lo'ak insisted, already starting to follow the trail, with Spider by his side.

Luca sighed but smiled. “Alright then, let’s go. Just don

They followed the trail, the path covered with lush vegetation and illuminated by the first rays of the sun. The sounds of animals echoed through the trees while the Atokirina floated above the most beautiful flowers. The group walked among fallen trees and soft grass.

“Uncle 'Lu', did you know my dad told us what you and he used to do on Earth yesterday?” Lo'ak commented, curious to hear Luca's response.

“Really?” Luca replied, surprised. “What did he say?”

“He said you two were the best 'hunters' who roamed the land going after bad people! Is that true?”

“Well... sort of. He ‘hunted’ for his country... like, for his clan, and I also hunted, for whoever paid... And today we hunt whoever attacks us first, right?” Luca said with a corner smile, looking at Lo'ak.

“That’s right, uncle! Whoever wants to mess with the clan will have to go through me first!” exclaimed Lo'ak, showing off his muscles.

“If the clan depends on you, Lo'ak... we’re screwed!” said Spider, laughing and dodging Lo'ak's shove.


As they got closer to the station, the forest began to give way to a clearing where the small scientific facility was located. The metallic structure seemed out of place in the midst of so much natural beauty.

“Finally!” said Luca, opening the station door with an access card. “Just don’t touch anything because if something goes missing or breaks, Amelia will kill me.”

Inside the station, the environment was sterile and organized. Scientific equipment was arranged on the benches, and the soft hum of electronic devices filled the lab's cold air.

“Uncle, what exactly do you need to get here?” asked Spider, looking curiously at the equipment.

“A bit of everything, actually. Amelia has been testing fish scale bandages for burns, or something like that. She’s also studying the impact of the local flora on the areas recovered after the war, you know, scientist stuff.” Luca explained, walking to one of the benches. He picked up some test tubes from the centrifuges and put them in his backpack.

While Luca worked, Lo'ak and Spider explored the small station, observing the different instruments and unknown experiments.

“And you, uncle, can you come with us today?” Lo'ak asked casually.

“Not today, big guy. Since your dad started the training for the RDA’s return, I spend every day training the scientists. I teach them a bit of what I know, and vice versa, just like Jake is doing with you guys in the village.”

After a few minutes, Luca finished collecting the samples and carefully packed everything into his backpack.

“All done, mission accomplished. Now I’m heading back to the base and you guys are off to the village to explore together, right?” Luca said, winking at Spider, who laughed in response.

“Thanks, uncle! For freeing me from Norm’s chains!” Spider said, laughing.

“Oh my God, where did you get all that drama from? Go on before Norm comes looking for you. Go!”

Leaving the station, Lo'ak and Spider raced to see who would get to the village first, even though it was obvious who would win. Luca walked back calmly with his full backpack through the forest, now completely lit by the sun. The day was just beginning. Training people who don’t worry much about the imminent future isn’t easy, but tomorrow could be worse... at least that’s what Luca thought as he continued day after day helping with the training of the Na'vi and, of course, the scientists.

Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (3)

People bustling back and forth created a pleasant atmosphere for such a busy day at the base, especially with such cheerful visitors. Children nestled among cushions, ready for movie night. The Sullys, Spider, Agatha, and even Norm's adopted children were there, making the place lively and welcoming.

“Neteyam, do you want popcorn too?” Luca asked, leaning against the door.

"Uncle Luca, what's 'popcorn' again?"

“Oh right, remember that small yellow thing that, when heated, pops and turns white and is kind of salty,” Luca explained with a smile.

"Aah, yes uncle! I want some!" Neteyam replied, smiling back.

Luca left the room and walked down the corridors towards the cafeteria. The atmosphere was lively, with people preparing dinner and chatting animatedly. The sound of laughter and conversation filled the air, giving a sense of normalcy and tranquility that Pandora always had.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Luca headed straight for the kitchen, where an old microwave miraculously still worked. He grabbed a few bags of popcorn, placed them in the appliance, and waited. As the popcorn popped, the familiar smell filled the air, bringing back memories of simpler times on Earth.

“I wonder if this will satisfy their hunger.”

Luca turned to the source of the voice and found a familiar face.

“Great Dr. Amelia! Good evening. Well, whether it will be enough for them, I don't know, but it'll be more than enough for me.”

Amelia approached and leaned against the counter opposite Luca. “Thanks for getting the samples for me today... I had another training session with Mo'at, and my goodness, that woman doesn’t wait for us to think straight. We have to learn all the Na'vi methods, their meanings as quickly and without making any mistakes."

Luca smiled, a light laugh escaping his lips. “Better that than another carnival night at ER room, right?”

Amelia chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Oh definitely much better.” She glanced at the microwave as the smell of popcorn spread through the kitchen. “If I were you, I'd put more popcorn for those kids. Agatha alone will eat it all.”

Luca gave her a playful look. “She’ll fall asleep, that’s what. I’ve never seen a girl with so much energy and yet so sleepy at the same time.” Amelia leaned slightly towards him, a gentle smile on her lips.

“You take good care of her, Luca…”

“I just try to be a cool uncle, she needs that... Well, you know. And even though she pretends, she also likes having a cool ‘Uncle’ who lives far away to visit once in a while.”

“Luca, you're not just a cool uncle…”

“No Amelia, you're not going to tell me she sees me the same way Spider sees Jake, are you? It's different things, I just…”

Before Luca could finish his sentence, the microwave 'dinged,' catching both of their attention.

Luca took a step towards the appliance. “Well, before they starve, I better go. And please, if you need anything, just let me know.”

Amelia smiled, nodding. “You got it, Luca... Enjoy the movie.”

With three bags of popped popcorn in hand, Luca walked back through the corridors to the recreation room where the children were. He entered and was greeted with shouts of joy and thanks. He handed one to Neteyam, the other to Norm’s children, who quickly settled in to watch the movie. Luca sat in a chair at the back, watching over them. Neteyam was surrounded by his siblings and friends, all glued to the screen. The feeling of peace and happiness was palpable, a refreshing break that the base needed.

“Uncle Luca, are you going to watch with us?” Kiri asked, looking at him with her big curious eyes, ready for another human movie.

“Of course, dear, but just for a little while. I have some things to do afterwards,” Luca replied, smiling at the girl.

“Oh come here Luca and quit that! You can be old without being boring!!” Agatha, next to Kiri and Spider, shouted at her uncle.

“Shhh, alright, calm down! For goodness' sake.”

Luca got up from his chair and nestled among his nephews.

“Soooo Luca, are you going to offer more popcorn or make me beg?” Agatha, with hungry eyes and one hand already inside the bag, asked.

“Hey, where's the manners I taught you?”

Agatha rolled her eyes and replied lazily. “Please, the most loved uncle of Pandora that I most…”

“Okay, enough, just take it already.”

Among laughter and hungry bellies, the movie began. Luca allowed himself to relax a bit, enjoying the company of the children and the moment of peace. He knew these moments were precious and fleeting, especially in a place like Pandora.


The movie was almost over. Who would have thought a 145-year-old movie could be so interesting, especially one about dunes? Well, at least it was enough to put Agatha to sleep, less than an hour in, she was already softly snoring. Spider was asleep next to Kiri, and Lo'ak was pretending to be awake. At least Neteyam was still paying some attention. Luca, after donating all his popcorn to the hungry Agatha, was also struggling to stay awake.

Suddenly, a rough and abrupt shake on his shoulder woke him up again.

“Uncle Luca!”

Turning around, he found little Tuktirey with wide eyes, shaking his shoulder.

“Hey, hey, hey, calm down Tuk-Tuk. What happened?”

“My dad... he wants to talk to you, now!”

“Now?! Alright, let's go.”

Luca stood up, careful not to wake the children, and left the room with Tuk. She was running down the corridors, already empty at this hour.

“Tuk, calm down, explain to me!” Luca said, breathless as he ran after Tuk. “Wasn’t your dad out with your mom for a night... alone? What happened?”

“Yes, Uncle 'Lu'! I was with Grandma at the Kelutral until they arrived very, very quickly with the Ikrans. Then they talked a lot with the elders and the warriors, Mom was even crying with Grandma! So, I asked Dad what was happening, and he told me everything would be fine, but he picked me up and ran to talk to Uncle Norm, who asked me to call you! They’re outside now!”

Luca felt a tightening in his chest upon hearing this. Just Neytiri crying and the urgency with which Jake was acting were not good signs. Worry grew in his mind, and fear began to course through his body as he tried to keep up with Tuk’s frenetic energy.

Finally, upon reaching the decompression chamber, Luca quickly adjusted his Exo-pack as the loud hiss of the door ceased. He opened the door, and Tuk dashed across the yard, with Luca trying to keep up with her.

Beside a few parked helicopters, Jake and Norm, in his Avatar, were looking up while discussing something.

“Jake! What the... hell is happening!?” Luca asked, breathless, trying to stay calm.

“A new star in the sky...” Jake said in a firm yet worried voice.

Luca stopped beside them and looked up as well.

“No, that... can’t be...” Luca tried to form words for what he was seeing.

Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (4)

A strong blue light stood out among the stars. The glow from that point was unsteady and trembling, but it grew larger and stronger with each passing second.

“And if... it could be a comet, right? In... July of... 2161! A huge comet passed by Pandora, remember? What if it's that one again? Could it be?” Luca said in a dazed voice.

Norm looked disbelieving at what was in the sky and replied in a weak voice, almost a whisper loaded with fear, “That comet, Luca, it... was smaller and had a tail that...”

“I told you! It’s the sky people, the ships are decelerating.”

They are coming back.

The chill down the spine from hearing these words was inevitable. The tranquility, the stability, the feeling of peace from watching the movie with the children a little while ago, dissipated instantly.

“So that’s it then...” Luca murmured, more to himself than to the others. “Do I activate the Cosmos protocol... now?”

Jake took a deep breath. “Luca... go to the control room, sound the alarms on the base, and broadcast the message to all the resistance outposts and camps out there. Then, call my children... Please.”

Luca nodded, determined. “Yes sir…”

Before leaving, Luca looked at Tuk, who was still by his side, holding his arm tightly. He turned to her and said gently,

“Hey warrior, thank you so much for calling me. You were very brave! Now... stay with daddy over there, okay?”

Tuk nodded, still scared, and ran to hug her father. Luca turned, exchanged a firm look with Jake, and then started running back to Hell's Gate.

Peace had been interrupted, and now there was no turning back, there would be no more normal.


Luca ran through the corridors of the base, fear gripping him. Nine years of training for what seemed like an illusion, and now, it was only a matter of time.

His steps echoed up the stairs to the top of the tower. Upon passing through the doors, Luca found the holographic workstations, all empty.

He rushed to the main station in the room and began typing commands to send the messages and activate the base alarms. Minutes later, red lights on the walls began to flash, and Luca sprinted back to where the children were.

On the way, many people were leaving their dorms, confused and frightened by the alarm.

“READ THE MESSAGES ON YOUR DATA-PADS NOW! THE COSMOS PROTOCOL IS ACTIVE!” Luca shouted as he ran through the corridors.

Finally, upon reaching the recreation room, Luca flung the door open, only to see everyone asleep as the movie credits rolled.

Without hesitation, he turned on the lights, and amidst groans and startled reactions, he began to speak.

“Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri, let's go, your father is calling you now…”

Rubbing her eyes as she got up, Kiri asked, “Uncle Luca... what? Weren't he and mom on a...”

“Kiri, I know, but...” Luca ran his hands through his hair, searching for the words to explain what was coming for them.

“Please, go to the yard with Jake. It's important. Spider, take them now, please.”

Neteyam, with a firmer tone in his voice, asked, “Uncle, tell us what's happening!”

“Your parents saw a new star in the sky today and... the Sky People are returning. We have little time until…”

Before he could finish the sentence, Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri ran out of the room, followed by Spider.

Agatha slowly rose from the cushions, asking,

“Uncle, is... is it true? The Sky People are coming back? But... weren’t they supposed to take longer? What are we going to do? What…”

Luca approached Agatha and gently ran his hands through her hair, trying to calm her.

“Agatha... I know all this is scary, but... it will be okay. This isn’t the first time we've fought against them, I…”

“Promise? Do you promise, Uncle?” Holding back tears, Agatha hugged him.

Luca held her tightly, trying to make her feel safe.

“You know I don’t like breaking promises... I won’t promise you, dear, but... I will try with all my might to do everything possible for a better tomorrow, even from afar. Now look at me, my warrior.”

He lifted her face, and Agatha’s tear-filled eyes met Luca’s fearful ones.

“You will have to return to Aunt Priya and Alma at dawn, okay? And together we will fight against the RDA and defeat them again! And do you know why?”

“Because together we are… stronger.”

“That’s right, my love…”

Luca hugged her again.

“Together, tomorrow will be better...”

Of all the lies Luca had ever told in his life,

This was the only one that hurt his soul.

There is no better tomorrow,

And there will never be a good tomorrow again.

They returned like an endless rain,

Fueled by greed and power.

Traveling to the stars freed the man

Who always dreamed of what he couldn't have.

And today,

This man kills another species,

Kills a living ecosystem

Just to feed his vices,


Malice, and

His own mistakes.

But this would never have happened if

Man had been careful

With what was given to him


This is how our end begins.

Na’vi Words Translated:

Pxir = A type of Na’vi alcoholic beverage

Ikrans = Mountain Banshees or " Dragons " of Pandora

Syaksyuk = Similar to Earth’s monkeys and apes . Their human name is Prolemuris .

Loreyu = A zooplanta (part animal, part plant) with a single leaf that responds to touch by curling and retracting into the ground. Also known as Helicoradians .

Kelutral = Enormous trees found on Pandora. Many Na'vi clans, such as the Omatikaya, make these huge plants their refuge. They are also known as Hometrees .

Images used in this chapter:

Image 1 (Reddit)

Image 2 (Avatar The Way Of Water min 03:57)

Image 3 (DeviantArt by Martulen)

Image 4 (Avatar The Way Of Water min 06:12)

Tears of Fire - Fezinhoo (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 5717

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.