The Charleston Daily Mail from Charleston, West Virginia (2024)

A A I A I A I 1922. WEST SIDE NEWS Underwood Denies There Was! Wilbert Entertains With a Surprise Party Mrs. A "U'olbfirt gave a surprise in Acquiring Ger- party in honor of the i a of man Patents B. -Marks, of ave- i Saturday evening'. A a long social hour, a was nerved to July The i about 30 at o'clock.

Chemical Foundation and its prcsi- Mrs. received many a i aent, Francis P. Garvan, former alien gifts her friends. property custodian, who are. being proceeded against by the, government K.VKCTTIVE BO.UU) TO MEET for the return of German chemical The executive board of the Baptist patents, were defended in the senate young people's i of the Calvary today by Senator Underwood of Baptist will hold a meeting Alabama, Democratic leader, who tomorrow evening o'clock.

All criticised President Harding find the i members of the board are requested 'idmlnlstration for the action a to be against them. Denying that there was a collusion or conspiracy in the acquisition of the German a by the MKRTIXG I CHANGED The girl scouts of the a M. K. church will meet on a a Mon- a i i i and i Monday evenings i he dates i meeringt. The pirl scouts navy been i every i IS mVE J.

E. Wiseman is i i a small a i on the rear of his lot at 1 2 0 Bigley a MRS. GILJjISPlE Mrs. G. A.

i i who luis ill 1st to be In VERY of ave- for some years, very i i a Chemical a i Senator day i i 3, it was wood aloo commended the record of Mitchell Palmer, former attorney feneral and former ailed custodian In dealing with enemy alien property. German interests. Senator Underwood said, were i the administration's course against the Chemical Foundation, in the hope, he said, of securing i i of property and also damage claims for its use. Senator Underwood's statements were made during an address in support of his recent bill to create an American commission to press American damage claims against a ind Austria, using enemy alien prop- srty seized as a pledge for a Mr. Underwood opposed the ad- i i a i a for a joint a i commission or a a to deal with the claims, declaring there was necessity i a i with Germany on the subject.

He reviewed at the a i legislation and ciK-d i i that property 5600.000.000 was taken over and secured of 200 alien corporations. The senate i i a i took up Senator Underwood's bill and appointed Senators i I a Sterling. South Dakota, i a ind Overman, Democrat. Cnro- concl*tion i i Mrs. Glllis- ple's i are at her bedside.

PERSONALS Parsons of Bigley ave- Miss nue is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. C. of a O. F.

Hooper and his sister, Mrs. will leave this week for a i more will spend mer. Dwindling Supply One of Reasons Given in Application to Service Commission Page Eleven visit a and rela- sh lives. Oris and rel Oandy. of St.

A a have a week-end visit i a i at Zona. a Mrs. I. G. i is ill at her home in I i a a a I Miss Nell a i and a garet Killcon, of Marllnton.

are vis- P. M. a of a clolph Mr. and Mrs. a Bryant have to i home in Spring i a a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Lot, of ttarvin a Mrs. Frank Carney and a i have gone to Poca i i the i Carney's Mrs. Sarah Booth has gone to i coln on business. John 111 mas, of Penacre, Is visit- ing i i city.

a Mrs. O-illispie, a I i a Creek a spent the I a i i I The petroleum and natural gas company of i 'Harrison i county, by Robert R. i i vice commission an application for a i to increase Us vntes. Tha a serves Shinnston and Its i environs. TO INSURE DISTRIBUTION AND STOP PBOF1TEEING i from Page mental agencies, i be most i in carrying out the president's plans the i in the present The a general declared that ho would Join with Secretary Hoover "and evrey a agency tho i i of the president, to relieve the situation to the etnd a coal and other necessities of life may be i the American people In i i quantities and ut reasonable prices." Efforts of the a i committee A a i a it was learned, were to be aimed a a framing a.

scheme for emergency a i control which not run Elf OW IN Ahead Hearing Affecting Many Coal Concerns The i service commission a nounced i morning postponement to a date not yet determined of a hearing- in the ease of the O. H. Mead coal company and others against tho power company. The Mines, Along Kanawha and Coal K-ivers Protected by i straining Order Ee- It is desired by tho a i a i 1 0 lav relating to monopolies and increase, the. rate for domestic am! school house purposes from 27 to 37 cents, subject to a discount of two if paid before i of the i and the rate for all other purposes 22 to 30 cents' i same discount, is also asked to adopt a charge of 51 per The reasons i by conspiracies in restraint of trade.

One Condition Attached. i operators a i were I i to only one condition to their agreement to a i a i the fair prices i 27 at i Springs. The cause for the postponement is tho. illness of Superintendent JIarkle of the power company. A large ber of coal companies operating- along 1 Virginian and and West-! company.

More than 100 coal unions railroads have joined in a petl-1 are named in the case besides the A a i i restraining Unite; 1 i r'rom interfering- with the operations of mines was a by Judge ilcCIinUc today on the i i of the Southern States coal company, Sterling' Block- coal a Black coal company. Valeo coal company. Lincoln coal and co*ke- company, Piney-Poca- a coal company. Glenn coal company. Lomo by-products coal company, Black Band consolidated coil tlon for reduced rates.

Permission fixed and that was a requirement a i i use every effort to railroad service. It is conceded! ap- that the price scales set offer reason-, i a for an are the i able profits to all the producers in I if gas Issuing its tho necessity of a i chases of gas for purposes of i i to the and a rates a to i i 1 The a i of the a i a i a been set tor 1, at I a. I havr: not enabled the company i a a reasonable on the STATE IS TO GAIN HEAVILY IN INCOME FROM THE INCREASES; traVtVmV'co. i Pnpe 2 0 0 0 0 as a i to i a consideration. i i a a i a comp a I'noi i I i to 1 2 1 0 0 0 Otlu-r Values a a i a a a i made i a a Big Sandy' i-.

a a i a a i to 0 0 0 Babco*ck coal i Creek railroad 1 Braver valley traction Co. $200,000 I i i New a i to $200,000. Tygart a a i Co. Tyler a i Co. f.JMstersvllle) i to 2 5 a i Co.

a Wnilsl.urg. a a i i i i i Co. i-o-i i districts, even some the pressure of I i shortage had been i i up the a levels and urging upon the producers cash offers far above the Hoover scales, The producers asserted that If their i could not be kept in regular a i however, because railroads in nou i i i where a i a i has been a i at coal i wore unable to keep a i moving, a a i a i i increase the costs of i operation, destroy the morale of tho i i forces and make It Anti Klan Vote Split Among Four Candidates in the Texas Primary Election a i a Co. a i a i i a i i Co. com pa ny ir.s".iHi Funeral of Aged Resident Held atj Kanawha Street Resdience This Morning a P.

one of i nf a died DALLAS, Texas, Saturday's Texas Democratic primary, tabulated at eleven o'clock today and i i 2-17 of the 250 counties in the state-, of them complete give: For i Slates Senator: May- I field Ferguson, Cul- berson, Ousley, Henry, a a away from these i levels has been reported to officials i necessary for to sell i coa at i i i figure a the levels a i Much -ot the i i i a production has been held i i i a i price i i ing Western areas i western a a i railroad Democratic Candidate For Con- gres in Third Certifies to Expenditures of $860 Creek a I 5 0 0 0 Benwood i a i a[ary, a i a 3 7 5 0 0 0 a 1'nil- nad a remain. 1 a 5 1 5 0 0 0 a Creek railroad a ,000. road com- EXPENSES TOT oiinuff i i to I i a i a railr LOI I i a 5 5 0 0 0 i i of the a i we re by tho a of i i a i a i i a a old i i i i i courts in hn is i i a can i i ho i i i i i of i I'l'Sidmce, 1 5 3 a a a a a at o'clock, won tin i of a a had i I in i war, born for a and 'hi-" a survives were discus: i i inorntntf at puestsi i lOnwf First I 4 5 Senator E. H. Morton of Webster Springs, minority leader of the senate, has spent more money a i compar.

any of the candidates who have i with the secretary of state, or else trie jenator's memory serving him better on expenditures a the rest. The- sum of of it a Ing expenses--is i i by a a Morton In his campaign for the Demo- a i Cheat Haven a 7 5 0 0 0 to 1 5 0 0 0 Croft railroad a 7 5 0 0 0 $30,000. I Cairo cc a a a railway company, 6 0 0 0 to Centra! West i i i a a i a company. to $300.0 0 0. Erbacon ic i railroad 0 0 0 to $1 A a railroad company, 0 0 00.

Eastern railroad com- 0. MEETING WITH THE STRIKING SHOPMEN i From Pagft ens') 000 to a 5 0 0 Cheat railroad i i 5 7 2 5 0 0 0 So in a i a sratic i a i for congress the third district. The of it won: mostly lor printing. P. R.

Garrett of a i i one of Senator Morton's i a opponents, sxpenck-d 5 2 3 4 0 and "received P. R. a a i i 528.40." Olandns West of a the other competitor, CTongrc-gsman Stuart F. Reed of the Ihird district spent SILT). Orville James Deegan of i Republican primary a i a for i jongressman the district, 1 expended Congressman L.

S. Echols of Charleston, v.ho seeks i a i in the sixth district, )d in an initial expense account of J102.SO. Miss a i i of Charles- who is opposing Echols in primary, SSS.ori. Tom li. Foulk of i Democratic pri- I mary a i a for congress iroin th-j first district, spent 3120.25.

Frank H. Tyree of i Ro- publican, state senate i district, Spent (J. Warren Mays, Charleston, Democrat, state senate aijjhth i i spent 4 1 7 6 J. Good- i loo Jackson, Creek, Demo- crat, state senate district, i spent 111. H.

O. Boley. Democrat, state senate i i i spent $SO. Cecil S. i a New i a state sonat" district, spent 5211.01.

Jolu Kee, i a a senate- seventh spent 4 2 0 Harvey Mai-sh, Parkcrsburg, Kt-publican. state- senate third district, spent $1-15. J5. B. McCoy, CottagevIUe, Democral.

senate i i has nothing. John H. Campbell, Chtlyan, Po.tiocrat, slate senate eighth i i spent $128.50. P. E.

i Paw Paw. Democrat, state senate i district, spent 140.08. Matthew M. Meeiy was the one pf the i States senatorial -Jidates a i i a to this i Tomorrow last day for the i of two merits required by the tices act. a i at 100,000.

i Island Creek raiiroad a 1 to 6 5 0 0 0 0 a a a A a I i a a 3 5 0 0 0 0 to 4 6 0 0 0 0 1 a a a a a i a a a i 5 3 0 0 0 0 Ky.n.iwha Coal i railw. I a to i a $5 0,0, to 5 7 Creek railroad 10 2 i carriers. But i a i mean a commission 1 i i i i i of nal syMern of a i i i it i i in greatest iif'-cl. i Few i i ovpr a i Governor of Texas a a he a to send a i til any i a i i a by or i i of a i roads to a i men. but a i a i i i be i a and a nor.c of the- 1 a i a a be i for the i i i i a a been a out in i a i a i had a i a i con- I i a a a I wore prrssod i in a i a A Roone.

Imva, iiemi; to i carry mails to and tho of pd 1 1 P. of ofTU-biunK. I a i a i Spring i i i si.stpr. Mrs. i I'oi'sey, a Gus of a Her niece, Mrs.

N. JJ. was i i i her a i o' her a i Pros id tnf. Tallcs Tt Ovrr WASHIXGTOX. coal a i is understod to have been a a i House by i a i A a P.

Moore, i i and Will i a i a state i Mr. Moore nor Mr. disclose a i i i Both wore- of president. Appoints ConiniJItnc Thf opcriitors i i Secret a Hoover a i a smaller comm i tee i representatives of the i a cornmi.s- and the A i a a i a asso-I i a i on a i of the co-operative scheme for coal control. The com i a i a organization and officers of the United mine workers.

The locals named i those at Crielyan, Handley, Kayforel, Burnwell, Dry Branch, Plymouth, Mordue, Maiden. Whitesville, Crown Hfll, Shrewsbury. Montgomery, Sharon, Raymond City, Coalburg, Whiifrede, East Bank, Colcorcl, Big Chimney, Peytona, Elkdale, Gallagher. Smith- era, Wevaco. Cannelton, Leevale, Boil- car, Wake Forest, Hugheston, Dana, Sharpies, Montcoal.

Cofoco and 5Ior- risville. Tile a i i g-ave bond executed by A. O. Wilson for 52.500 with the Fidelity and deposit company of Maryland as surety. The i i is similar to oth-sr injunctions granted recently by Judge McClintic to restrain United mine workers from acts of violence in connection with the coal strike.

OBITUARY DALLAS, Texas, July IvU Klan organization has won a i a victory in Its first political campaign on a large acale. it, was indicated today when a a i a a i a for the nomina- tton for i States senator Texas, led his nearest Jas. I B. Ferguson, in the state-wide donio- cra-tlc i a by a a i of i a 25,000. However, of the klan I pointed out that the i of the i invisible i could not claim a complete victory unless its candidate is successful in the primary, A 26.

from Saturday's primary, i show that klan candidates polled approximately 118,000 votes In senatorial race, while the i combined anti-Ulan vote totalled over Kellar Robert L. Kellar, aged 20, thfl youngest sen of Mr. arid Mrs. W. T3.

Kellar. of Lock Six road, died- eai'ly yesterday i in a local hospital. following- an operation for appendicl' tis Thursday. Besides his parents he is survived by two sisters. Mrs.

William Turner, of Marmot; Mrs. F. E. ot South Charleston, and three brothers, Mont, W. H.

and L. E. Kellar, all of South Charleston. The a will be held this afternoon an the Lock Six church and i will be made in the family burial grounds. i comprised C.

E. Bock us. New 2 0 0 0 0 0 the a i i a vote being split a i a E. E. i Glen- i among candidates.

i W. S. L. Yerkes, i i i CHARLESTON --r i of a i 1 i a a. a K.

C. a a i 1 Tonn a i Akoona, i and S. i Phila- DAY BY DAY l-sS. A i-J i J--'i A A the operators, a i a repres- i i i and i a commerce commission i i a have completed i a i sc'T'me it to be to the i 6 m. 234 of the 250 coun- i i'H n- i his Mr.

i who is sj' in ch.u'^o of tho ill the fcliool i i a i tics in the state a a today, eighteen of complete, give May field 1 9 3 5 5 7 James E. Ferguson, ami-Ulan, 6 Charles A anti- a 5 0 7 4 5 P. Thomas, anti- Ulan, 5 1 1 4 6 a Ousley, a i a 3 5 3 3 Robert L. Henry. 2 4 6 Johnson The six months old child of Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Johnson, of Spring Hill, i died early yesterday morning after a I short illness. The a will be.held from the i residence this afternoon arid burial will be made in the Spring Hill cem- etery.

i a i a 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 to 2 5 0 a i a a a i at i l.oui a i a i 1 2 5 i to a a i a a to 7 0 0 i West I way a 5 i i to i i 1'H-kc-nr Springs a i a a 3 i i lo 1 cor.ip.'iny. 5 3 lo i 1 0 0 0 Prt-sloii i i a a i A i i i i i for who is i a of a i in oj i a nt i i i i i of a i I an i i i i i non to a causf-d i a a i i i a i A a a i Iowa, i a bo at i the i ill-1 of A i i i i i who save I up i i i i I i a of a i i i a 1 i i IH-W i i i 1 -on ii'l i i i a A a T. i a 1 a a i leave i for ,1 i i to --'i'hp i i i i of the vary concucu-d SPI-Vi the a i i i i i River Hew a. to a i Klchwood a i i i i a C- Sc-wtl! a i i i i Us JC- CiT'- a i Sun i to 7, i J. i raHroal $-i coi: railroad in: i a i a i i i a a railroad T.

Deeds transferring a been filed for record in i house as follows: Q. Dickinson and i to A. J. Hunt, $150 for tract on i House branch. T.

F. Mynes and i to Walter i Kes-sler and Dezora Kessrer. lot 10, block 15, A a a i for i J. W. Harper and wife, to A.

Straughan, lot 2. bloct-: 2:1:1, bans; $250. A. P. i and Rosalia M.

burn to Biueflekl i i a lot In Kanawha street: and i a Fliv i i i i it I a a i i i a i a a can- i 1,155 to 51,106. i i i ls thd i road a i i a 5 1 0 a i i a prac- 1 000 to 5 2 5 0 0 0 0 I West i i i a i a railroad a 1 5 0 0 0 0 .52:5.000. West i i i a a i a i a 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 to 2 2 5 0 0 0 West Virginia a railroa.1 a 3 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 Ek-e-tric Rail a a i A ilv- i railways, tho a a i a an of i i y. in. i i I SiHJTCS of i a a a 1 of I i i 1 I aid of chtn-ch i a a i a --The l-'runk a i i if i i i i in i i A 1 Tlu- pi A here.

in i fit. Tuesday of i i a (I a i poi't-(I en oil of 1 K.i!!. 1 10." wore i a i by Fr.inli i i lo Coal i by i i in i i i i i ic I i in the i i i i I i a i i I i i T. .1. of i i i i on i i i i i i a i i i i iTcr.son a s-liut and lulled by wit 1 lam i I I A 1 i M.n'ys.

i l'( i i i i i i tin- i in i il.v a St ma I A I ad' i i i a i a i a for i pro- i i in coal and insuring fuel dis- i i the strike emergency was; presi-nted to-day at a i of a a i oper- i a tors a officials i Hoover. i i in executive session, I boyan the consideration I two a i before them by i Hoovr-r. One provides for the i i eninsj of existing a to a i a i a i prices and tho i a of coal pools in ihe i districts for i a i i i a i ot the i a commission. Piuijxhcrty to Keporl A Genera! Daugheriy a i to report to 1 i flay the i of enn'i-geni'v coal a i and it wus understood a i a i a wan up for considenitk by the 1 Mr. Hoover was to tlv a the i deal i i i problems prepcnted a not to Killer means for settling i I coal or i-aili-oad of coal dealers were i jii-esviu the i of the confor- a it was that i co- 1 oin a i be pro-vc-nt NINfi MEM IS ISSUED BV Sil Summers Mrs.

Clarence Summers, aged 20, died in a local hospital yesterday fol- i a short illness. The body was taken to Frame yesterday a where the funera; i will be held today. POL ICE PICKUPS First Batch of Political Surprises and Roorbacks Showing As Campaign Nears End Some of the more i i political today, in a week a is expected to be i i of a sort, arc: The issuing of a statement by S. P. i Lilly's cu-mpaig-n manager.

"Almost i a and vr i v- i for of i i the candidacy of A. A. i for the i Stares senate are for freely hatched a i a nis uneasy take wus two i con- I opponents," a ilr. Smith. i a a the circulation, of these a clearly shows the peerless a in the a i a race nml i a bad losers resort to to prop up their waning- i Like a i man who grasps at a straw, these uneasy are i over heaven and a to themselves on" hi in the 1 f- 1 being engtilfen by httgo a a i i )0 Hllal wave a has and is i i i i i i the i a of 1 lo i-i'b'." Iji'v-soni i i a i i A of the major I etripc a i a Cause Drastic Measures of Virgil L.

Highland of Clarksburg, A I Measures i i a a i a i a as a i i i i used he, would support Ogden. The UK- i i i war i '1 A a i been listing- i a i i In i ri ax a a Ogden ad- i Una a i a i 1 IH i i cl 1 way i a i i i 7 i a a a i a I i a i i i i a a iii com- I at Ihe in of i ihi- i of i'0)ioi'tci I. a -is i i i i i a i 1 'J i-: i of a i ,1 ii: 1'. ri; a ill a i a M. Al- 1 S2.

ot was yea i.ocio in Its asscsRf-d a a i It lac 1 and i it is The a a a a i a iid i company. a i Rail Worker's Home Is Dynamited; No One Hurt i a of i i i i 1 1 vt- i of i i i i ili 1 a i i i in of i smo i a i one of hi. 1 i i i i a i a I In is 1'eel- 1 i i over nt of A i i L. Iii a U'h of i men in i i he a a f-ta I a a i Va a I i i i a i i i i i A i Howard L. Mud; i 1-'.

ricl-iT, of Iva- 1 i coal iivtd i i strikes. Iicvr-d here today. i a of mi order declaring that i a a i strike i i a a i a emogoncy i i i a i of 402 of the i i i i i i i act. was expected from 1 i r. e.

I of i decree would I a i i a i ilia to protect the i The a i i a i in step C.xpoctrd to treat I a one. a by the gov- i the i as i i $1.000.000 i assessments DR. SLMON N. PATTEN DEAD PHILADELPHIA, Simon X. Patten, for a years head of the a of i i a economy of the i i of sylvania and well as an In the field of economics and i a science, died at Brown's Mills.

N. today a a long Klness. He was seventy years old. are: i ra mains at Li-wlsburp ci railway O. a Co.

to $10, a i A i ro- i a a i a A I i of i a i a i 1 i r. i a J5yh.ini. a i i th i a T. i i (ii i were a a i i i of I. Thu --i oml i i a In- i ipni-: BIRTH AXT-TOtJfCEMEXT Mr.

and Mrs. John S. Dana of awha street, announce the i of a son this morning at the Dana is reported to be i along very nicely. $100.000 i $1,000.000 J. Pan STSO.OC'O.

Princeton power i IVc- a i a Co. 11 a Co. Co, Co. 500,000 $475,000 'ff i it r. s.

APKP rmmsn The i i i i i I i i i i a i a i A'UVJ- i nou.iced i i i i i i i i i States A a a Wrong Pictured I a i i i i i i i i of K. of a 1 of 1 a a a i i of i i i i i i 0 i of rhnrl.T,- Tlie 1. a i i of the railroad and of tho i i i and price of coal. and a i of Hie i Tho new and sweep- move i be made i i two if the strikers the em- a do not. a i a i i i Konievy as Ui their dispute, one a a ST.

ALBA.VS--Mr;. i i a Gay IJi i i i a for I i i i a I I I A i i a ly i i i i any i i i i i.s i irrifid a a a wt-1! 1 a i i a i i a i i i i In i i Tile Is ali-o in a btisl- at 1 a a i has so ji'aged for lasit 10 yenrs. i IK one of the most i citizens of a a of the 1 I i Odd I a of i a and i i I a said. a been i i i i i i i.hal sn.v a i i a 1 can he. voted by congress i a One of the i stops ccm- i r.i!loii ir: said to be i i I i i i i i of coal lo a i Hie i a a a I i a PilOTKST TROOPS A I a a i i I i coal i I i i i i wore a i thc-it- a of a i i i It was be! but the a on the part that i a i a caused a to believe that he would not openly espouse any candidacy lu the.

i a Some ooserveva sec in i a move eviflence a that i i a has figured Ogdea out a sure winner and wants a a seat in the band wagon. Oth- i crs seo a. shifting- oJ oil and gas strength to Ogden. Highland is i largely interested in a industry. A development, that is a.

i subject for discussion is an a i report that Don a Democratic sheriff and party a of county, is active in ing the candidacy of Senator erland, and is betting money that way. ha fin appeared last weak at a. I i a meeting at. Holden and spoke lor a A was a i a for a 13. ery by local i No.

301 of iho a stoel and i Rosoluilons adopted rot'er a man of a The following cases were disposed of by Judge Wertz in police court this Otis Milani and A i Milam charged with assault on each other, dismissed. William colorc-d, charged with violating the Sunday closing law was i S5. Allen shining shoes. a Eennington charged with sault on ilrs. Ralph Bennington; casu continued to 26.

J. R. i charged with violating the Sunday closing law was dismissed by motion of the city when- absolutely i was a he had out lunch from his lunch stand on Charleston street when he was arrested. B. O.

Brison charged with parking' h-s car on Hale street" forfeited bond. Xancy Pickford charged with "larceny of a. watch belonging to Mrs. Robert Brawley was dismissed when evidence was not sufficient ot prosecute. L.

Jackson colored charged'with as-sault on his i was dismissed. "Woody Anderson charged with being case i to July 25. Charles P. Barneit charged -with disorderly and fined 55. C.

V. Kidd charged with beig i bond. S. C. ililler charged with assault OB C.

G. Hager was dismissed. C. G. Hager charged with assault oil S.

C. ililler was fined So. Lacy, colored, was arrested a Satin-day'night by Officers Blessing and Hundley and charged witH a i moonshine liquor in his possession. "Lacy was arrested at his home over tha garage back of 439 Broad street, and it is said he had in his possession at time, two full gallon jugs and throe half gallon jars of moonshine. He is at liberty under a bond and will be before Judge Wertz July iris! Buttermilk Creates Beauty Overnigkt The first a catlon of Howard's Buttermilk Cream will astonish you- a magic.

tvon- i a i hut ro labor to call oil will If a i.send 10 or ntarr.r--" i Cream and Ei-'-i" Buffalo, iWSPAPERI.

The Charleston Daily Mail from Charleston, West Virginia (2024)
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