The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

2 2 22 SOCIAL THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1953 SOCIAL Friends Entertain For Miss Bodfish She Will Be Saturday Bride Of Wilmot E. Beane Miss Ann Johnson, daughter' of Mr. 'and Mrs. Burton I. Johnson of.

Firglade entertained at a surprise miscellaneous shower at her home on Tuesday in honor of Miss Barbara Ware Bodfish, daughter 'of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Bodfish of Dover Longmeadow. Guests were a group of Longmeadow and Springfield friends. Miss Bodfish was complimented again Thursday by Mrs.

Raymond Seabury and her daughter, Mrs. Willis Johnson, the former Barbara Seabury. They tertained friends at the Longmeadow Country Club for luncheon, which was followed, by a linen shower for the future bride of Wilmot E. Beane, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Prescott Beane of Allston. The wedding will be an event of Saturday afternoon at 4 in the First Church of Christ, Congregational, Longmeadow. Among the guests from out of town win be Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H.

Irish of Wellesley, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Bailey and Miss Joanne Bailey of Schenectady, Misses Mary' and Catherine Spaulding of Winchester, Mrs. "George Bushee of Newbury, Mr. and Mrs.

Gordon Hadley and son, Richard, Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cobb of Arlington, Denton Simmons of Whitinsville, Miss Helen Z. Gill of Boston, Miss Goldie Barton Newton and Miss Highlands. Lulu Mrs.

Dingman Ruth Whit- of comb Miss' Margaret Mahoney of Boston. Tomorrow at noon a bridal luncheon will be served at the Old House on the Green, Longmeadow. Guild Card Party "At South Church Longmeadow Choral Group Today's Program, This afternoon at 1 o'clock in the parish house of South Church of the Afternoon Guild will. 'hold their fall card, party. At 2 at Longmeadow Maternal 'Association's choral group will present a program of entertainment entitled "Millinery Moods and Music." Members in the choral group' are Mrs.

Irving S. Simpson, Mrs. William O. Henschke, Mrs. Clarence E.

Evans, Boyd Allen, Mrs. Richard S. Carroll, Mrs. Leo B. Mrs.

Erwin Evans, Mrs. Russell C. Hitz, Mrs. C. Clay Howe and Mrs.

Rowland MacDonald. Mrs. Edwin T. Malone, Mrs. Charles C.

Mrs. Knudd J. Helsing, Mrs. Norman J. Adams, Mrs.

Kenneth F. Ryder, and Mrs. Arthur E. Quimby." FORBES WALLACE Have you heard? design Economy box of 48 pads MODESS A 9,3 1.49 2 boxes 2.03 New, whisper soft fabric covering 2 ina nor pads of fluff, as slim as one. Pre.folded ends always lie flat.

Order by phone or clip the coupon for easy. quick delivery. 70 Toiletries, Main Floor Forbes Wallace Springfield 3, Mass. Please send me: economy box. (es) of 48 Modess 1.49 each 2 for 2.93 Name Address City Zone State Charge 0 C.O.D.

The annual Edwards Church garden festival. Pictured above Proctor, Mra. Calvin' Coolidge Former First Lady Attends Church Fair re. Season On Oct. 8 Park Congregational Unit Lists Program The Women's Guild "of Congregational Church, will.

open its season Thursday, 'Oct. 8. "All meetings will be held in the guild Mrs. Flora Millette will be the first guest speaker and will talk on her work with juvenile girls. Nov.

12 is gentlemen's night at which time Wesley B. Reed, lecturer and recitalist, will speak on "Musical oddities. of the Victorian era" Dec. :10 will be a dessert meeting and Miss Winifred Birchfield will give Christmas readings. Mrs.

Thornton W. Merriam will talk on the work of the Springfield Day Nursery at the Jan. 14 meeting. On Feb. 11 Rev.

Harold B. Keir will speak on the social outreach of the church. Mar. 11 Miss Patricia Hartshorn will tell of, her hostel trip this year. The annual meeting and luncheon will be Apr.

8. Mrs. Arthur N. Ball speak on "Serene at A birdseye view of Japan will be given May 13 by Mrs. Franklin D.

Officers of the club include Mrs. George R. Sibley, president; Mrs. Edwin Anderson, vice-president; the theme being that of a Mrs. Ernest W.

secretary left to right, Mrs. John A. er. and Mrs. Thomas Adams, treasurand Mrs.

Hodges were co- Mrs. Ralph Welch is chairman of the nominating. committee, as- Betty Ann Dunn Is Entertained To Become Bride of Mr. Ce- san Saturday, Oct. 24 He is majoring in engineering.

These Famous Women Invite You To Put On Blue Bonnet! Mrs. Harry Conover "My favorite recipes turn out better. with Blue Mrs. David A. Drexel "Blue Bonnet gives my family both Vitamins A and Dr Mrs.

Jan Pearce "No other margarine tastes as good as Blue Bonnet!" Miss Ann Dunn, who will son of Mr. and Mrs. 'David E. become bride of John S. Cesan, Cesan of Feeding Hills, Saturday afternoon, Oct.

24, at 2 in Feeding Hills Congregational Church, has been guest of honor at 1 several prenuptial parties recently. She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Dunn of North Westfield Feeding Hills, Mr.

Dunn, assisted by Rev. John P. Fitzsim-' mons of Belmont, minister of Plymouth Congregational Church, will perform the ceremony. Mrs. Edgar Chaffee entertained at her summer home in Somers, at a miscellaneous shower.

Ten coworkers of Miss Dunn were guests at the event. Mrs. David E. Cesan was' hostess. at a second miscellaneous event honoring her son's fiancee at her cottage in Congamond Lake, Southwick: Mrs.

David T. Cesan, sister-in-law of the future bridegroom, assisted in preparations. A bridal cake decorated the guest table in Miss Dunn's home when Mrs. Harry Keeney of Belvidere Feeding Hills, and Miss Bobbie Ann Cameron, entertained for her at a miscellaneous shower." A reception will be at the Capt. Charles Leonard House in Agawam.

Upon return' from a wedding trip the couple will reside at 300 North West Feeding Hills. The bride-elect is a graduate of Agawam High School and attended American International College for two years. She is employed in the office Sears, Roebuck, West Springfield. Mr. Cesan is a graduate of Agawam 'High School and served two years in the Army with 13 months' duty in Korea.

He is associated with David E. Cesan Sons, representatives for Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, West Springfield. 3: Clayton T. Hardon, son of Mrs. Elizabeth C.

Hardon of Westmoreland Longmeadow, has returned to Duke University, Durham, N. for his senior year. A sisted by Mrs. Ralph Munn, Mrs. Theodore Malinowski and Mrs.

8 Stuart Grimes. Wesson Auxiliary To Meet Monday Plans for Coming Year Will Be Discussed The first fall' meeting of the Wesson Memorial Hospital, Auxiliary will' classroom. Monday Plans at for the coming be in year will be discussed. Tea will follow in charge of Mrs. Myles H.

Illingworth, assisted by Mrs. Irving Steinberg, Mrs. Arthur Gramse, Mrs. Donald G. Wetherbee and Mrs.

Joseph Baldwin. Officers of the group include Mrs. Malcolm S. Allan, president; Mrs. Hollis Carlisle, first vice-president; Mrs.

president; Roger Mrs. Cheney, William second Adamson. treasurer; Mrs. Clift Richards, corresponding secretary Mrs. Erling C.

Benson, recording secretary. Supper Party Is Planned Monday Dental Hygienists Will Meet 1:5 With Mrs. Thorn Palmer, Sept. Valley District of Massachusetts Dental Hygienists' Association will have a progressive supper party Monday at 6 at the home of Mrs. field.

Miss Marie Federico Florence Thorn, Pearl Springing as chairman 'and hostesses will be Thorn, Miss Molly Serzi, Mrs. Aili Sullivan and Miss Esther Jachym. A. short $: business meeting. will HEART ATTACK OR GAS ON STOMACH? tablets.

indigestion. They contain the -acting THANK HEAVENS! A Most attacks are acid When it strikes take Belt-ans medicines known to doctors for the relief by of heartburn and gas. refunded not Orangeburg. N. if Red.

Get Bell-ans to-day All druggists, 250. Experts Combine on Baby's Meats 7 You can really trust these meats so much for sturdy' growth, for baby, knowing they're backed Gerber's Strained Meats are suitby two great names Armour, able for even tiniest. babies specialists in fine meats, and they're as easy to digest as milk! Berber's Gerber's, who make baby foods Young ones just love these and nothing else." meats for their smooth, juicy OF MEATS Gerber's Meats, both Strained texture and savory flavers. For and Junior, are processed from variety there is an appetizing STRAINED specially, "selected Armour cuts. choice of Gerber's Strained Beef, ARMOUR MEATS They give your baby.

the high- Veal, Lamb, Beef Liver, Liver quality complete proteins that do Bacon, Pork, Beef Heart. our ONLY business FOODS Babies are our Gerber's BABY CEREALS 50 STRAINED AND JUNIOR FOODS, INCLUDING MEATS: The kitchen committee is headed Mrs. George assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Zajackowski, Mrs. Mrs.

J. W. S. Hauptfueher. Robert Noyes, Mrs.

Carl Shrey Mrs. Wilbur Locke is program chairman, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Helin and Mrs. W. Everett Faulkner heads the action com-1 mittee.

Mrs. George, Carlson is auditor and publicity is in charge of Mrs. Helen Gaylord. Reservations are taken care of by Mrs. Robert Noyes.

4 Delegate to the Hampden district of Congregational women and united church women is Miss Daisy Treen, and alternate Mrs. Rial Potter. Mary Lou Hart Feted at Party Will Marry John M. Wise Saturday, Oct. 10.

Mary Lou Hart of Massachusetts, Ave. was guest of honor dinner party at the Red Barn in Chicopee recently. She was entertained by 20. of her former Cathedral High School classmates who presented her with a gift. Miss Hart will become the bride of John M.

Wise of Westfield Saturday, Oct. 10, in Holy Family Church. Friday following the rehearsal for the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. J.

S. Wise, the future bridegroom's. parents, will entertain the wedding party and guest at a dinner party lat Hotel Sheraton. Personal Shower For Miss Will Wed Robert LoMascolo Saturday, Oct. 3 Co-workers of Miss Lucille Rhea Brunelle at the telephone company entertained for her at a personal shower at the home of Miss Camille Forgues in Merriam East Longmeadow, recently.

The hostess, who' will be maid of honor, served a buffet supper. Miss Brunelle, daughter of and Mrs. Raymond F. Brunelle of Winton will become the bride of Robert Joseph LoMascolo Saturday morning, Oct. 3, in Holy Crose Church.

Mr. LaMaseolo is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. LoMascolo of Clairmont Chicopee: Miss Helen E.

Maier, a graduate of Classical High School this June, has entered Mount Holyoke College as a freshman. Her sister, Miss Barbara E. Maier, student at Simmons Both are taking the five-year nursing course. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Fritz Maier of Springfield St. BEACON BEACON WAX it Better FLOORS But! WAX ROYAL 1 1 1 The SUPER MEAT KING MARKET 2092 STREET MAIN: FREE IN REAR PARKING Specials for Friday and Saturday MILK FED MILK FED SHOULDER ROAST VEAL Full Cut VEAL LEGS LB. FANCY EVISC. Hen Turkeys: Lb. 59 lb.


lb. 2 Buy BLUE and Be Sure Flavor! Nutrition! Sue QUATERS Blue Bonnet y'. 4 3 Blue Bonnet Guaranteed by OLEOMARGARINE BONNET of "ALL 3" Economee! SUNNY-SWEET FLAVOR! You make a hit with everybody when you put on BLUE BONNET Margarine! Makes bread, rolls, vegetables taste 80 much better! And every delicious pound has the same delicate, morning-fresh flavor! EXTRA NUTRITION! Unlike most other margarines, BLUR BONNET is rich in both Vitamin. A and Vitamin Yes, BLUE BONNET is one margarine that gives your family as much year-round food value as the high-priced spread for bread! REAL ECONOMY I Save money! Each pound nourishing BLUE BONNET Margarine conte less than half as much as the priced spread! So start today! Put on BLUE BONNET and get "all Flavor, Nutrition, Economy! America's Luxury Spread At a Margarine Price! HOWDY DOODY'S FAVORITE! OKAGRAN fair in Northampton was held yesterday, looking over the display of flowers are, and Mrs. Clarence Hodges.

Mrs. Proctor chairmen of the affair. follow. New members are invited and those requiring transportation are requested to contact Miss Federico in Chicopee or Miss Mildred Johnson in Springfield. Evening Wedding For Mrs.

Franzosa Marries Louis Hoynoski in West Springfield Announcement IS made of the marriage Mrs. Emily Franzosa, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph Zombick of Amostown West Springfield, Louis Hoynoski, Wednesday evening at 8.30 in Mittineague Methodist Church Manse, West Springfield. Rev.

Ralph Nors- the worthy, pastor. performed double ring service. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lord of Springfield attended the couple.

Mrs. Hoynoski is a graduate of West Springfield High School and Peter: Bent Brigham Hospital School of Nursing, Boston. She is employed in the office of Dr. Edward White. Mr.

Hoynoski attended Westfield schools and served' three years in He is 'employed by Connecticut Valley Block West Springfield. Family Members Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Cole of Randall Pl.

were entertained at a buffet luncheon last evening by their four children in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Twenty family members attendled the event Mrs. in the Morton home Gillette Ave. Assisting in preparations were the couple's other two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Hupfer and Robert McMahon, both Springfield.

Also present was their son, Donald F. Cole, and 10 grandsons and one granddaughter. Seasonal flowers were placed about the house and an anniversary cake was the centerpiece on the table. Mrs. Cole was pregented, grandchildren.

an orchid corsage Miscellaneous by gifts her were given to the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Cole were married Sept. 24, 1913 in the Liberty Methodist Church.

Both are active in the Springfield Grange. Mrs. Cole is the former Annie L. Wolcott. Mr.

Cole is employed by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Faculty Institute Begins Tomorrow Coles Celebrate 40th Anniversary Honored at Party Given by For SC Annual Event Committee Members Named Members of the Springfield College faculty and staff will stage their annual faculty institute this week end at the college camp. Beginning tomorrow morning 9, the institute will open with devotions and introduction of new faculty members. During the morning session President Donald C. Stone will present a talk on the problems and prospects of the college which will be followed by group meetings.

'Staff members serving on the committee of the institute, a yearly planning and evaluation program, are Robert E. Markarian. Seth Arsenian, Ellis H. Champlin, Clayton T. Shay, William Cheney, Creighton J.

Allan R. Kaynor, Olga E. Ellis. Harold C. Harlow: and Theodore A.

Wiel. Committee members in charge of preparing Sunday's closing sessions include, Charles Rice, Dane Dr. Ruth Evans, Robert Laveaga, Attalah Kidess, Donald K. Mathews, C. Eugene Morris and Miss Margaret A.

Thorsen. Holmes N. Van Derbeck and Rev. Fred G. Bratton will conduct the devotionals for the week end program.

one TREATED Wipe DUST CLOTH makes HOUSE CLEANING ONLY CINCH! Cloth lb. y'. 3 2 A. 1g Fir..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.